A Word of Caution Before it is Banned as a Hate Crime: Reaction to A Most Insightul Lecture

This is being written from deep behind enemy lines, on the wrong side of the “Tofu Curtain.”  The account is being written a scant twenty-minute drive from Amherst and Northampton Massachusetts.  Calvin Coolidge would no longer recognize the city he was once mayor of or the state which he once governed.  Across his bridge and down U.S. Route 9 is both the University of Amherst and Amherst College.  The college, named after the town in which it is located, no longer allows its teams to carry the name of the man who the town was named after, Lord Jeffrey Amherst.  The Amherst College Jeffs and the former Lord Jeffrey Inn have been renamed the Mammoths and the Inn on Boltwood respectively as Lord Jeffrey has been canceled and removed from the record.  How his name persists for the town, and for how much longer is open for debate.  The UMASS Minutemen have survived numerous attempts to change their name to something less offensive and connected to the historical Minutemen’s deep racist past, yet still made a point to make the game they hosted the Liberty Flames football team at their McGuirk Alumni Stadium their “Pride Game” to showcase their support of tolerance for all (except, of course, for Christians).  Cambridge, MA is but 90 miles or so to the East on the Massachusetts Turnpike, and Yale perhaps a bit closer on Interstate 91 to the South.  The Vermont border, home of Senator Bernie Sanders (who actually once was an invited speaker at Liberty University as the institution is open to hearing alternative points of view) is not a long drive to the North on that same highway.  Saul Alinsky would be pleased to know that there is an actual Church of Satan in Salem, Massachusetts protected at all costs by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from intolerance in perhaps the greatest affront to the Lord and all his people.

Here in occupied Massachusetts, higher education has taken seriously its mission to serve as the radicals of the 1960s used to preach, as the praxis for the revolution.  In this reporter’s most recent job search, he was shocked to discover that an increasing number of institutions required a diversity statement.  Failure to include one’s preferred pronouns on one’s CV or LinkedIN page was certain to garner suspicion.  On his current campus, the cisgendered white male soon found that the position of DEI had been elevated to a vice presidency and to a designated seat on the president’s cabinet.  Much like the political officers assigned in the Soviet Union or Cambodia (or, to avoid offending anyone, it would be better to refer to it as the “Democratic Kampuchea”) to engage in trainings to evolve awareness and consciousness.  Sessions were held in the fall for staff to complete a 21-Day Challenge featuring material that was not to be questioned or objectively reviewed in an exercise that was reminiscent of the re-education camps in China or Vietnam.  A more recent event featured T-shirts with Marxist imagery.  Today, the campus will hold a four-hour summit on the “Black Experience.”  Massachusetts has become celebrated as the most trans-friendly state in the nation, was the first to make gay marriage legal through extralegal, quasi-legislative fiat by the state supreme court, and has deep credibility in the abortion movement (although one has been fortunate to reside nearby a steadfast Massachusetts Citizens for Life organization).  Indeed, at the first “Eqi-Tea” event a discussion was hosted on “reproductive rights” despite the college being founded as a religious institution historically opposed to abortion.  It is unimaginable what the Governor John Winthrop or the Reverend Jonathan Edwards (who had served in Northampton) would make of all of this.  

Communism, like Satan, has masterfully accomplished what the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects described in the line: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”  With the end of the Cold War and the fall of communism to the Leon Trotsky phrased “dustbin of history,” it was believed that the world might at last be free of its murderous reign and that in time even the pock mark scars of the virus like Cuba and North Korea might finally be surgically removed.  Marxism, though, has proven remarkably resistant to antibiotics.  Like a virus it has mutated into new strains, rebranding itself as environmentalism, antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion,[1] social justice, “science,”[2] progressivism, and “democracy.”[3]  Marxism is increasingly ubiquitous.  One could find it down the street from this reporter’s institution of higher education at the Paulo Freier Social Justice Charter School. Yet, it is never really about the causes it purports to champion.  Instead it is but a means to the end, to acquire power and control over everyone.   

That recycling doesn’t work is not important, what matters is controlling what people do with their waste in order to train them to obey the state.  Racism is only a concern in that it provides a deep industrial complex for money, power, and influence.  Progressivism seeks to solve endless arrays of problems through the better mechanism of government, even though government programs and regulations have proven time and again incapable of making any problem better, but, instead, always far worse.  One need but look at the roster of the delegates and elected representatives in the European Parliament to find the greenwashing of old red communist guerillas and sympathizers.  It has become increasingly clear that the EU has become much like the Politburo of old, crushing member nations under its never-ending bureaucratic regulations.  Once recognized as a mark of treason, elected members of Congress now proudly proclaim themselves to be Democratic Socialists.  Stalinism is alive and well in the world.  It is only a matter of time, of course, until it plays out like the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged, for, as Margaret Thatcher was once purported to have said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”  Of course, then the famines will begin and the rationing before it becomes treason to deny the nourishing meals one has not eaten.

A writer some years ago observed[4] that when an industrial society reaches a certain level of affluence it begins to have some toxic derivatives within it that undermine it, usually originating with the middle class.  Teachers, social workers and government employees (all protected by unions), and of course, university employees flush with middle class resources suddenly turn against the very nation that provided their largesse.  Worst still, oftentimes it would skip a generation and take root in their children.  How else can one explain the Baby Boomers, a generation that experienced a lack of want due to the sacrifice of their parents only to find offense at everything they stood for in brave campaigns against the tyranny and oppression they faced at the college campuses that their evil controlling parents were paying for?  To these the prophet of the fallen angel, Saul Alinsky infused with a rebellion against the establishment that became revered as the proper lifestyle.  Effectiveness replaced morality. Winning power was all that mattered. Freedom had to be attacked to ensure obedience.  In this, he was like Marx who celebrated how the spirit of the evil one coursed through his veins.  Diabolical anarchism became culture, AND incitement entertainment.  Regrettably, that contagion returned with the Millennials and continues on with the so-called Generation Z. 

Marxism is addictive as is the unquenchable taste of blood that its dictatorships thirst after in murderous purge after purge of its own people.  One need only consider the Killing Fields of Cambodia for a more recent example.  In this is a false religion of death that its cultists become consumed by emotionally, intellectually, and philosophically, driven by the conviction that they know best.  As Josef Stalin once noted, a single death is a tragedy, but a million is a statistic.  No price in flesh could ever be so great as to preclude the re-engineering of society, the atomizing of the citizenry to be reformed in a new construct wholly beholden to the almighty state.

For this “noble” goal any means is necessary.  Diversion, show trial, imprisonment, wanton slaughter are all reasonable expenses.  Usually the first casualty in the struggle against “oppression” is the truth.  Through the enlightened in history departments and other campus intellectuals, the media,[5] and the cultural elites lies become understood as fact and ultimate truth.  Communists like historian Howard Zinn or Nikole Hannah-Jones are empowered to rewrite history to serve their agendas denying facts, making false accusations, holding the equivalent of show trials and witch hunts toward the goal of destabilizing the civil order.  Crime is lauded as virtue and wanton, mindless violence viewed as no longer a vice. 

Through these emissaries of the great lie students are denied facts.  Slavery becomes a racial matter rather than a form of exploitation suffered throughout time.  The Kingdom of Dahomey is forgotten and the United States is reimagined as an engine running on slave labor.  Inconvenient facts about mass killings in Africa or the continued existence of 9.2 million slaves on that continent even today are disregarded as hate speech and dog whistles.   Native Americans are presented as virtuous despite proven mass killings and human sacrifices.

All of this serves the purpose of robbing students of their true heritage.  They are denied the legacy of political freedom, economic opportunity, the stability of institutions such as churches, political orders, and civic societies.  Rather than a nation of immigrants who all struggled with assimilation there are but oppressors and the victims. 

Yet pesky facts persist.  Millions desperately seek out the land of the free confident in the knowledge that there lies the opportunity for a better, freer, life.  Mass graves do not lie.  The survivors, like Ayn Rand, or Yuri Bezmenov, of these terrible lands that communism builds reveal how every aspect of one’s life under a totalitarian system is controlled.  Only under communism do the rates of mass murder increase with the coming to power of the vanguard.  Mass killing becomes an essential tool for government planning.  The wholesale slaughter of its citizens is the gravest threat of communism. 

Deception, demoralization, crisis, and normalization are the strategy for destroying the most hated target of Marxism, the beacon of individual liberty, the United States.  A script is followed.  Politics must be dominated.  There must be street violence.  BLM and Antifa must riot and destabilize. Counter arguments and dissension must be first mocked, then slandered, then de-platformed.  Institutions must be seized using every strategic tactic.  Finally, cultural Marxism must be installed based on a hatred of the existing culture to facilitate the creation of a culture of communism. 

For communism cannot install its systems without a crisis.  Communism cannot come to power based upon the truth.  An informed citizenry would never choose a life of burning in a lake of fire if it knew that is what it truly was.  For what is a communist state if not the manifestation of Hell upon the Earth?

Communism was a grave threat in the 20th century and remains so in the 21st century even as it changes its forms and names.  Creeping communism is a virulent pathogen, however, and only the memory of mass murder and the other grim lessons of totalitarian regimes can serve to offer any protection or resistance.  Communism in all its radical ideological and political forms must be guarded against.

For those of us in the Northeast, it may be too late.  Increasingly more radical leaders rise to push the dread agendas forward, driven on by the brainwashed enlightened elite.  Freedom is increasingly under assault.  It is a time when saying a prayer silently whilst passing by an abortion clinic can result in arrest and prosecution as an act of hate denying another of their rights even as they seek to deny such a right to their unborn child.  As a career director, ones only hope and comfort stems from the knowledge that there yet exists a staffing company named John Galt Staffing[6] in Burlington, MA, and that perhaps salvation will unfold in the inevitable economic collapse of the  engorged totalitarian state that leads to the redemption advocated by former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon to “Purge the rottenness out of the system,  High costs of living and high living will come down…enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.”[7]

[1] At one’s alma mater the office there includes “justice” as well leading o the unfortunate title “Vice President of JEDI” being featured on HigherEdJobs.com.

[2] Not the science that is based on objective fact but rather subjective application.

[3] Not the democracy the founding fathers were [partial to but perhaps the one featured in the title of the Deutsche Demokratische Republic until 1990.

[4] One regrettably cannot remember which one or what the title of the work was, though it may have been the Silent Revolution by Ronald Inglehart.

[5] Including, of course, entertainment.

[6] There really is: https://j-galt.com/.

[7] As Mellon was alleged to have said in an account by former president Herbert Hoover.